
We strive to understand and limit the impact our operations have on the environment and community. ​

As our portfolio of operated and non-operated assets grows, we intend to publish an annual sustainability report that outlines our ESG performance and sustainable development targets. ​

Sign up here for our newsletters to be notified of updates to our portfolio and sustainability report​

Our approach to sustainability is integrated with the United Nations sustainable developments goals and is underpinned by our drive to support growing economies and communities by producing and developing reliable and sustainable energy.​

Running a responsible and profitable business

Sharing benefits with the communities where we operate

Creating a sustainable energy future

It is critical that we understand where and how emissions are created across our entire value chain. Aligned with sector best practices our initial focus will be on understanding Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions with a long-term goal of working with our downstream partners to characterize Scope 3. ​

Initial focus on understanding and measuring Scope 1 and 2 emissions

Direct Emissions relating to resource extraction and processing​.
Examples: Emissions from fuel combustion, flaring, venting, and methane loses.
Indirect emissions relating to resource extraction.​
Examples: Purchased electricity, heat and steam consumed at our facilities​.

Long term objective to understand and include Scope 3 emissions

Indirect emissions from the transportation and combustion of the resources we produce and sell​.

Bow Valley Square Tower 1​

1120, 202 6th Ave SW​

Calgary, AB, T2P 2R9