Our Strategy

Focused on SE Asia’s rapidly growing energy demand markets
  • High-yield markets with high GDP growth resulting in premium energy prices
  • Favourable acquisition, capital, and operating costs create an environment ripe for rapid growth
Differentiated and scalable value creation​ strategy
  • Unlocking value through ‘technology arbitrage’, applying proven technologies to SE Asia’s maturing market and resource developments
  • Exclusively targeting discovered resource, accelerating field development and optimizing existing production. 
Evolving our portfolio to produce traditional and emerging energy sources
  • Responsible oil production near major demand centres
  • Natural gas development and production tied to power and/or displacing higher carbon intensity fuels (e.g. coal)
  • Identified tangible initiatives to immediately reduce carbon intensity of operations (e.g. carbon sequestration)
Unique blend of growth and yield increases total shareholder value
  • Our portfolio includes immediate cash flow, scalable developments, and large untapped cost recovery pools
  • Plan to enter into long term sales gas contracts with credible offtakers to generate stable cash flow and ability to return value to shareholders
  • Portfolio is expected to rapidly grow while returning capital to shareholders in the near-term

Our strategic pillars create differentiated and scalable value creation​

A Successful and Sustainable Reputation
  • Built upon decades of previous experience in SE Asia
  • Collaborate with governments, regulators, and industry partners
  • Deep understanding of regulatory framework
  • Access to non-competitive M&A opportunities 

An Innovative subsurface Approach
  • Introduction of 3D seismic
  • Well log/petrophysical analysis
  • Detailed reservoir modelling
  • Directional drilling
  • Discover new or bypassed reservoirs
  • Carbon sequestration 
Operational Excellence
  • ​History matching and dynamic reservoir modelling​
  • Pressure support and maintenance (e.g. water flooding) ​
  • Production and facility debottlenecking​
  • Introduce digital technologies​
  • Emission reduction targets

Bow Valley Square Tower 1​

1120, 202 6th Ave SW​

Calgary, AB, T2P 2R9